School goes to head of the class by recovering $32,000 on audit

School for “Exceptional Children” (autism, down syndrome, etc.); 300 employees; safety committee 19 staff members.
1.88 experience mod, 300% loss ratio, which means the insurance company paid out to doctors, pharmacies, and other medical providers three times more than the premium paid to the insurance company by the School. Based on that ugly statistic, the insurance company would not continue insuring the employer. The School also had a 45-year relationship with its current agent.
Claims related to interaction with the children when they had an episode. Most were soft tissue injuries. There was no return-to-work program and the safety committee did not have a list of transitional duty jobs.
Using Job Bank Worksheets, each department developed a list of possible jobs that could be done, if there were an extra person in the department. The lists are maintained in the HR/Finance Department. When an employee is on light duty, they report to that department to get their assignment.
Mod projection for coming year: 1.27; School received $32,000 because CWCA discovered and corrected errors on the audit. With that money, they distributed a $150 holiday bonus to all employees. A very happy new client with more committed employees.
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